Heal Your History, Liberate Your Patterns, Create Your Desired Life

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What you’ll learn⁣
Imagine if you were free from self-sabotage, perfectionism, people-pleasing, and one-sided relationships, and you didn't have to rely on giving your power away to anyone for anything. ⁣
Imagine if you didn't have to feel emotionally isolated. Imagine if you didn’t believe you have to hide behind a mask to be accepted. ⁣
Imagine if you didn’t identify as an anxious person. Imagine if you woke up everyday feeling held, supported, and self-connected. ⁣
Imagine if deep in your heart you knew you could trust yourself, others, and life at large. Imagine having a steady undercurrent of "All is well."⁣
Imagine knowing you were living aligned with your purpose and that no matter what happened, you trusted yourself to be there in reliable and magnificent ways. Imagine if you felt a deep sense of worthiness, faith, presence, confidence, and excitement for what is here now and what's yet to come. ⁣
Imagine if you knew how to nurture, heal, and strengthen your relationship with your inner child self.
Imagine if you knew how to heal, so you could actually create the life you want based on who you truly are. The focus of this course is to reveal how early imprints impact the subconscious mind/body/brain and shapes how your life is going.⁣
And then, realizing you have a choice to change. The reality is, if you aren’t able to identify your past trauma imprints and how they influence you today, you will stay subconsciously stuck, disconnected from your Self and your body, feeling powerless to change dysfunctional dynamics.⁣
This course is designed to guide your journey to freedom. HBTW is everything you need to heal limiting trauma beliefs from your inner child, install authentic imprints, trust your intuitive authority, and reclaim your power to create the life your heart desires and deserves.⁣
If you want to learn how to support the healing your inner child, embodying your boundaries, and knowing what you feel, need, and how to authentically communicate it - things like cultivating deep inner love, unconditional confidence, embodied boundaries, inner child healing, changing limiting beliefs, authentic congruence, intuitive authority, full-body yes, and living in choice - this course will show you how to put an end to dysfunctional patterns and step more beautifully into self-love and possibilities.⁣
You will learn how to put an end to dysfunctional patterns and step more beautifully into self-love and possibilities. It's time to connect with your real self, to set a higher bar, to believe you can follow your heart's call, to step into your power, and feel your freedom. ⁣
You'll leave this experience inspired, more connected to yourself, and with a clearer idea of how to love yourself more deeply.⁣
To experience radical and serious positive change in any and all areas of your life.⁣
... as you assert who you are proudly and loudly⁣
... sans needing other people to approve⁣
... as you understand your truth, heal your barriers, and step into a greater and more free existence⁣
... all the while letting go of the doubt that you aren't safe to expand⁣
Powerful teachings. Clear blueprints. Deep heart-centered support to help you feel, be, have, and do better⁣.
  • Understand negative thought patterns
  • Heal your relationship with your body
  • Stop comparing yourself to others
  • Feel peaceful and calm about your existence
  • Feel more confident in who you are
Dr. Rachel has studied with some of the top leaders in the fields of non-violent communication, Vipassana insight meditation, social equity and inclusion, tantric Buddhist teachings, trauma-informed manifestation, and embodiment practice. All of which shes’s infused into Healing Back To Wholeness. You've spent years muting your voice, settling for less than you want, doubting your power. Now, it’s time to step into your freedom. Welcome to your Healing Back To Wholeness journey.⁣
Dr. Rachel Greenberg⁣

Dr. Rachel Greenberg is a licensed clinical psychologist, empowerment guide, and founder of The Numinous Path, her psycho-spiritual template for whole self healing and transformation. Dr. Rachel offers seekers from all over the world empowerment practices inspired by various psychological and spiritual traditions. ⁣
Dr. Rachel has earned two Master's degrees and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. In addition to over a decade of rigorous academic and clinical training in psychology, she incorporates principles from Eastern and spiritual approaches to healing. She's influenced by attachment theory and science, Intersectional Feminist Theory, Internal Family Systems, Buddhist psychology, nonviolent communication, mindfulness and Depth Psychology. ⁣
Dr. Rachel is passionate about personal and collective justice and liberation and engages in local activism to deepen conscious engagement with the intricacies that compose our identities. She uses concrete psychological, somatic, and emotionally oriented insights for skillful living.⁣
Her passion is to support the healing and transformation process and to be a guide toward awakening truth with clear eyes and an open heart. She guides people to radically actualize an aligned life and cultivate the art of deep relating. Her approach combines psychology, spirituality, somatic awareness and embodiment, sensuality, relational attunement, and myth. ⁣
The work guides you into deeper parts of your own empowerment, so you can enhance and expand your quality of life. The work you'll do in Dr. Rachel's course supports higher knowing and a peaceful and enriched sense of self. You will be guided to uncover and unlearn all the blocks keeping you from who you most are. This opens space for the agency required to create more of what you want and deserve. ⁣
You'll elevate your life from relationships to career to spirituality. Dr. Rachel helps you honor your truth, trust your intuition, and cultivate true love and acceptance for Self.

Get started now!

"I've recently finished 3 months of empowerment coaching with Dr. Rachel alongside taking her course and I have to say I've come out of the experience feeling so much stronger in my sense of self and more confident and I've been able to improve the relationship not only with myself but with others. Rachel really did help me unpick my limiting beliefs and look at some childhood traumas I didn't even know I had. And just generally be there as a kind, supportive, and very intuitive mentor and coach. This program gave me the tools I need to actually continue the work after we work together and after I completed the course. If you're thinking of working with Rachel I would highly recommend her!"

- Jessica Munro, Founder, J. Munro Creative

"Working with Dr. Rachel changed my life.

Before working with her, I had no concept of the true meaning of self-love, what self abandonment meant, and how we attract what we we do when we live out of alignment with our true needs.

After working with Dr. Rachel, I am more able to think before I act. I have been able to truly assess my needs, desires, and am learning to live in alignment with what my heart wants.

The more I do this, the more I can love myself on a felt level, and the more I am present to my own life.

She shares this program with intention and loving presence, is grounded and wise, inspiring and genuinely attuned.

I hope to work with her again in the future, and truly recommend the experience to anyone seeking deeper answers not found in traditional talk therapy."

- Brigitte Theriault, White Apron Chef

"Dr. Rachel's compassionate wisdom helped me through very challenging times, both in the present and from my past.

I was able to name some of my demons and learn to trust more my instincts- radically and regardless of “logic”.

And I felt held, heard and safe within the program.

Thank you so much Dr. Rachel.

I will cherish my experience with you as it was, and remember you fondly always."

"I was able to get comfortable quite quickly to opening up to Dr. Rachel. I appreciated her presence, ability to listen fully, ask for clarity, provide a safe space, remind me of certain aspects of myself and not letting things slide by if I went around something. I also appreciated the validation, recognition, encouragement and honesty she delivered.

I am forever grateful for the experience I have had with her to explore, expand and become a more whole human being."

Lesson 1⁣
The Numinous Path Framework⁣
Learn how to maximize your experience inside this course and feel shifts soon. On day 1, I'll share the entire process of building the skillset to awaken your truth and shed what's not working. You’ll learn my 4-step framework for your deep return to wholeness. With these 4 steps, you'll begin to track your triggers, notice your patterns, cultivate more inner compassion, and learn how to empower your experiences through choice-based living. You’ll understand the steps necessary to transform, the best practices for healing, and how to use awareness to build self-understanding with curiosity. You'll learn how to begin empowering yourself to create more peace within. When you’re done with day 1 you’ll feel more ready to be in charge of your life.⁣
Lesson 2⁣
Barriers To Deep Inner Love⁣
Transformation is driven 95% by reworking subconscious imprints. Only 5% of your desires are expressed at the conscious level. Even if you've done thought work before, you’ll be amazed at all your underlying imprinting that's keeping you stuck. On day 2, we’re going to be using the 4C's Framework to increase your capacity to live more skillfully. You'll leave with a better understanding of the trauma spectrum and how that may be influencing your full sense of self-love.You'll finish this day with a stronger sense of your inherited patterns and legacy burdens asking you to free yourself from. You'll learn that triggers are portals to the parts of you that need healing. You'll know how to empower a deeper self-understanding and a new response. When you're done with day 2, you'll feel better able to attune to your experiences with love.⁣
Lesson 3⁣
Embodying Deep Inner Love⁣
On day 3, you’ll continue to explore your triggers, label feelings, and begin to embody the loving awareness of your experience. You’ll explore the origins of your patterns, so you can show up for yourself in a new, more patiently attuned way. You’ll leave with a focus on self-soothing as a healing practice. You’ll create your own self-soothing and grounding toolkit that you can rely on when you’re feeling triggered. This will invite you to a stronger sense of authenticity which you’ll begin to install through this beautiful practice of embodying deep inner love.⁣
Lesson 4⁣
Authentic Congruence⁣
Welcome to day 4! On this day, you’ll learn my sure-fire approach for discovering your authentic essence and how to live in harmony with it to create more ease, flow, and alignment. Even if you already feel self-connected, this process will teach you how to know yourself in deeper and more trustworthy ways. You'll learn what it means to live in authentic congruence and how to heal the core wounds that keep you from believing it’s safe. You’ll learn to attune to your body’s messages as an expression of your own truth. You’ll also learn about imago imprints and how you can begin to rewrite what you experience in your life from your authentic needs.⁣
Lesson 5⁣
Unconditional Confidence: Unpacking The Shadow Self⁣
Get ready to feel confident! On day 5 I’ll help you look at shame shadows and how to accept all parts of you and begin to integrate them into a whole sense of self. You’ll learn how to rework self-limiting patterns, heal barriers to confidence, and step into your life with a stronger sense of agency. You’ll learn about your shadow self and how you can begin to approach all parts of who you are and feel deeply.⁣
Lesson 6⁣
Unconditional Compassion: Integrating The Shadow Self⁣
On day 6, you’ll take a brave and honest inventory of your shadow, and cultivate your compassion. You’ll reinforce your practice with the 4C’s Framework as you hold space for the parts of you that need you the most. You’ll learn how to love yourself by opening to the previously unknown aspects of who you are and what parts of you come up to feel safe with you. You’ll learn how to hold yourself and what you feel, need, and experience with extraordinary care.⁣
Lesson 7⁣
Intuitive Authority & Embodied Boundaries⁣
If you can't trust yourself, you don't have healthy boundaries. That's why on day 7, I share about what it means to honor and follow your intuitive authority without feeling lost, stuck, or confused. You'll feel confident about your limits and learn how to overcome people-pleasing and codependent patterns by trusting your innate wisdom first. You'll learn how to make self-respect a powerful practice by knowing you can trust your intuitive body’s authority, and practice embodying your boundaries.⁣
Lesson 8⁣
Full-Body Energy⁣
On day 8 you’ll be deepening your intuitive authority through using your full-body energy to determine your boundaries. Through understanding your Full-Body Yes moments you’ll enter more moments of possibility and expansion. You’ll continue to use the 4C’s Framework to track your triggers, so you can begin to somatically shift toward what you want to create, instead of a habituated state of mind and body. You’ll learn how to discern between your body’s trustworthy response versus the trauma response. You’ll be invited to better understand your needs and how they can influence your limits.⁣
Lesson 9⁣
Boundaries, Breakthroughs & Forgiveness⁣
In this session we’ll make boundary breakthroughs by taking inventory on where yours are too firm or too flexible. You’ll commit to changing unhelpful patterns, so you can feel more empowered and aligned with your highest sense of self-worth. You’ll be guided through the beautiful practice of self-forgiveness and understand more what you need from yourself to feel more emotionally free overall. Through the self-respecting practice of beautiful boundaries, breakthroughs, and forgiveness, you’ll show yourself what you need to stop abandoning yourself and start living your life from your deepest authentic congruence!⁣
Lesson 10⁣
Presence, Depth & Commitment: 3 Tenants Of The Art Of Conscious Relating⁣
This week you're consciously enhancing your relationships through cultivating the 3 tenants of the art of conscious relating! Filling your life up with soul-enriching relationships and setting generally higher standards for people in you let into your life. You'll practice skills for authentic communication and creating better relationships by identifying what you want to feel and being intentional about how you show up. You'll decide you get to have soul-satisfying relationships and contribute to this by expressing your authentic feelings and needs. You'll get more connected to safe people and learn how to get the love and fulfillment you most want through the practice of presence, depth, and commitment - to yourself first, then the relationships you choose to cultivate. This aligns your deservedness and desire at the subconscious level. You'll practice this to create the relationships you most deeply want! Get ready to transform your relationships from "Oof, not working" to "Wow, this feels good!"⁣
Lesson 11⁣
Self-Leadership & Empowered Creation⁣
This week you're building self-leadership and empowered creation through practicing the strategies to help you feel less stressed and build daily routines that make you more centered in faith. You'll learn how to keep your life in your own hands and open to creative solutions to problems. You'll pull back the curtain to reveal each important pillar to empowered creation and enter realms where you can access your desires which will begin the process of them coming in full material form. No more self-doubting, settling for mediocre, and feeling stuck. This week, you're delving into deeper and higher territory where your empowerment is self-led!⁣
Lesson 12⁣
Healing Back To Wholeness⁣
This week you'll be synthesizing with the highest of truths based on your wholeness. That is, integrating all of your practices to create more beauty, love, and consciousnes in all important areas of your life. You'll be learning how to trust your resonance and work intentionally with your energy field. From there, you'll notice attraction as a powerful expression of desire and alignment. We'll review and reiterate the importance of bonding with all of your inner parts, so they feel known and loved. Finally, I'll weave in the exact steps I recommend to continue to align with your truth - to sustain the beautiful process you're in of healing back to wholeness⁣
"This is an amazing and helpful course. She is very responsive to questions and comments which helps clarify and deepen your understanding. I will be revisiting this course in the future to see where I am at in the process."⁣
"What an amazing and life changing class! Thank you very much for your wisdom and gift of this information. I am going to retake again and again as part of this healing journey ❤️"⁣
"Just what I needed!! Thank you and namaste."⁣
"I will definitely be revisiting this course in its parts and as a whole periodically to maintain and expand on myself. Thank you!"⁣
"A wonderful course with guidance and principals for living into my most authentic and abundant life. Beautifully expressed with care and compassion throughout. Worthy of taking and revisiting. 🙏🏼!"⁣
"Truly amazing and enlightening!!!!"⁣
"Rachel, Could you please show me how I can go back and do course again so I can review and hear early lessons. So helpful. I tried to go back but it doesn’t let me once lesson finished. Thank you for all your insight and wisdom."⁣
"I really appreciated lesson 8- setting boundaries has always felt uncomfortable for me, possibly because I feel I won’t be liked. It feels too rigid or harsh. Finally now, I understand it is necessary, otherwise you are being pulled in all sorts of directions which results in confusion and feeling let down. This lesson makes so much sense and I finally get it. I’m excited to start the 30 day 3 boundaries excercise. Thank you."⁣
"Unpacking the shadow self really resonated with me. I have a narcissistic mother and now, looking back, I see how her expectations of me as a child repressed my authentic self and created a lot of shadows. My negative emotions were not allowed. My needs and wants were not allowed to be expressed. I have spent a lot of my life denying my own feelings, wants, and needs to make others happy. Now that I realize this, I need to allow myself to feel and express these things without the accompanying guilt. Thank you for helping me get to this place so that I might further heal the old wounds."⁣
"Such a fabulous, insightful course! Will do it over and over again."⁣
"Challenging and dense. I needed this."⁣
"I feel like this class is finding me at just the right time. I'm open to change 💖"⁣
"Rachel, This course is just what I needed. I have been looking for this for years. I kept eating foods that sabotaged my health. I know now that my mom comforted me through food. It was her way of loving me. I grieve her now. Now before I eat I will bring to consciousness, the choices of what my body really needs to feel healthy and thrive. How do I make this a life-long habit Rachel? I am so afraid to slip back. When I don't eat well, I get sick. Thanks for putting this course together for us. It could not be more perfect for me where I am now. I send you light and love."⁣
"Hi Rachel Just wanted to say I'm progressing thru your course and I'm benefitting from it already. It is the best course I have ever done. Thank you for your compassionate work"⁣

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