Everything you need to know to get out of your own way

Transform Self-Limiting Beliefs

A Free Mini-Workshop

Learn about what self-limiting beliefs are and how to discover them within yourself. Learn how to free yourself from longstanding internalized limitations. This free mini-week workshop centers around increasing awareness and unblocking barriers. It will give you a brief and comprehensive overview of how to build empowerment through the medicine of belief.

Get started now!

Comes with:

  • Lessons for New Awareness and Psycho-Spiritual Knowledge
  • 1 Meditation for Deep Cognitive Discovery and Integration
  • Exercises and Journal Prompts for Clarity and Action

My intention for the workshop is to:

1. Provide a safe container for you to delve into your inner work
2. Offer insight into beliefs that helps you better understand your own
3. Equip you with some tools to transform what's limiting you into what elevates you

This free workshop invites you to decide what you want to create. Through psycho-spiritual practices you'll get to discover who you are, how you want to live, and what you can do to make that possible for yourself!

Your Instructor

Dr. Rachel
Dr. Rachel

Dr. Rachel is a Clinical Psychologist who empowers seekers all over the world. She invites you to step into your pure potential by shedding what no longer serves you. She's created The Numinous Path, her unique psycho-spiritual practice for whole inner healing.

"Learning from Dr. Rachel has been illuminating!"

- Carrie

"After working with Dr. Rachel, I am so much more in touch with myself. Highly recommend!"

- Monique

"Very powerful work. It helped me meet my innermost parts with love and acceptance."

- Frita